A year of strengthening Leku-Ona’s global industrial services

Within a few days of bidding farewell to the year, we feel obliged to look back and take stock of the work and achievements made by Leku-Ona during 2016.


Following the change of facilities in August 2015, Leku-Ona prepared to enter a new phase in 2016, establishing itself as a leading international company capable of providing services and products adapted to the needs of both national and international clients.

The commitment to continually improving our services has been the focus of this year. Achievements include increasing the public opening times in the warehouse (Monday to Thursday from 06:00 to 22:00 and Friday from 06:00 to 21:00) and the new implementation of software in the robotised warehouse system, which provides immediate delivery of products to clients who use the direct sales desk and in turn reduces the loading, unloading and waiting times for clients and carriers.

In addition, after summer the Leku-Ona group made one of its most significant investments for 2016 in equipment for the machining division: the Bost VTL 25 CY multitasking double turret vertical lathe, a high-precision machine and piece of technology ‘expressly designed to meet the high standards demanded in the wind energy sector’. Its installation was discussed in the industry magazine Interempresas.

Furthermore, around the beginning of 2017 we will have a GMTK VL 2.8 X2400 lathe (swing of 2800 mm and a height of 2400 mm) fully operational in what we consider a clear strategic commitment to the wind energy sector.

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The quality demands in the machining process of the parts that we manufacture for our clients has prompted the adaptation and climate control of the entire machining section. This guarantees a constant temperature during manufacturing as well as in the zone containing tri-dimensional measuring machines.

We also have a clear commitment to demonstrating Leku-Ona’s project capabilities to the national and international market. What’s more, the launch of a YouTube channel increases the visibility of Leku-Ona Global Solutions and each of the different companies that form part of the group (Leku-Ona, MKL, Urtzinox and Bostak). The channel provides videos on work processes, facilities and methodologies used for all those interested in finding out more.

Despite being aware of Leku-Ona’s clear capacity to access the international market and large projects, we have not given up our active participation in various sporting events tied to the tradition and culture of our surroundings, such as the Idi Probak in Errezil and the Getaria-Zarautz swim crossing.

Getaria Zarautz 2016 from Pergoi on Vimeo.

So, we can bid farewell to 2016 feeling proud of the work carried out by each of the group’s companies, of the effort made and of the results achieved.

All that’s left now is to keep working with a view to improving even more in 2017.

We’ll see each other soon!

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