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Leku-Ona Global Solutions launches a Youtube channel with videos about all the group’s companies

logoyoutubeokLeku-Ona Global Solutions, in its effort to show its processes, services, installations and professionals with total transparency, has launched a Youtube channel, where you can find audiovisual items about the group’s different companies, such as  Leku-Ona, MKL, Urtzinox y Bostak.

In addition to the corporate video that explains in a very original way its complete range of solutions for industry, the Youtube channel by Leku-Ona Global Solutions also shows the work processes for different solutions, such as for example pipe bending.

Likewise, the videos have been inserted in the different websites of the companies that form the group, in order to offer another perspective of the daily activity at the new corporate installations that Leku-Ona Global Solutions has in Itziar – Deba.

Visit Youtube channel of Leku-Ona Global Solutions.