Bureau Veritas certficate



Accredited certification is the recognition of a higher quality of your product or service, the opportunity to access new markets and it is present in different economical sectors.

The LOHT HYDRAULIC HOSES certification tested by BUREAU VERITAS and  obtained by LEKU-ONA it is a tool for distinguishing oneself.

Technicians  and inspectors of  BUREAU VERITAS have approved the testing process to CERTIFY assembly of HYDRAULIC HOSES LOHT, distributed exclusively by LEKU-ONA.

In LEKU-ONA we are very satisfied with the achievement obtained result of years of hard work to get to a high quality product and  process of assembling and, above all, to provide effective solutions to our customers.

You can get more information about HYDRAULIC HOSES LOHT on this same website (also in the corresponding product page) or by contacting us directly via mail leku-ona@leku-ona.com



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